Spokane Reimagined meets at 5 PM the final Saturday of each month at Saranac Commons.
We are also frequently found speaking at the following meetings:
Spokane City Council
- Mondays at 6 PM
- https://my.spokanecity.org/citycouncil/meetings/
- Sign up form: https://forms.gle/Vd7n381x3seaL1NW6)
Spokane County Commissioners
- Tuesdays at 2 PM
- https://www.spokanecounty.org/4542/Agendas-Minutes
Spokane Valley City Council
- Tuesdays at 6 PM
- https://spokanevalleywa.gov/129/Agendas-Minutes-Videos
Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors
- Third Thursday of Every Month at 1:30 PM
- https://www.spokanetransit.com/board-and-committee-meetings/
Spokane Regional Transportation Council
- Second Thursday of Every Month at 1 PM
- https://www.srtc.org/srtc-board-of-directors/
Spokane County Planning Commission
- First Thursday following the second Monday of every month at 9 AM
- https://www.spokanecounty.org/623/Planning-Commission
City of Spokane Plan Commission
- Second and Fourth Wednesday of Each Month at 2 PM
- https://my.spokanecity.org/bcc/commissions/plan-commission/)
City of Spokane Transportation Commission